How to do a Purchase

Great so you have decided you would like to purchase something off the site.

  • You can select buy now or add the items to which you are looking at purchasing to your cart, you will be have to setup a profile on the site to complete the purchase.
  • We will need  your Name ,Surname , email and phone number(important incase we need to contact you about your order) aswel as the address or location to which we must ship your order to.

Please note: If choosing PUDO or PAXI shipping method ,please put the locker location or PAXI branch into the address bar instead of your address. In the town, province and postal code fields you can complete with the relevant details. 

  • From the checkout page you can complete the order through our YOCO payment gateway,  We are looking into other payment platforms which will offer other payment choices ,hopefully in the near future we will be able to offer them.
  • Once your order has been completed and payment is done you will receive a confirmation email with the order number .We will then package up your order and ship it off. Your order will be updated with your tracking number at this point. You can also check these details on your profile page.


Unfortunately we are still trying to integrate the tracking into the site ,so for the time being you will have to visit the courier's  site to check the shipping progress. links have been added to the profile page and at the bottom of the home page


Thank you for your support and Happy shopping